KCACR Quarter Peals Record

Reference displayed

Added at 19:18 28th December 2009 by Anthony Leeves
Where quarter peals have been published in the Ringing World or on Campanophile this is now shown in a reference field when the quarter peal details are viewed. The Ringing World reference is given as the year and page number. I have worked back to January 2004 Ringing Worlds and intend to continue working back, but it is likely to be quite a long time before I get back to 1998 when the database started.

I hope the reference will be useful for anyone wishing to look up the full details of a quarter peal in the Ringing World.

If anyone notices any errors on the references (or any other errors or omissions on the quarter peal database) I will be pleased to know so that I can correct the details.

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